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NCAA Board 2016-2020

As provided for in Section 20 of the Act, the Board has established three Board Committees, with each having an approved terms of reference to efficiently manage the Authority’s business. The Board committees are chaired by Board members and may invite attendance of other persons with the necessary knowledge and skills in specified instances. The Committee system is structured as follows:

  • Safety, Security, Regulatory and Legal Committee - to advise the NCAA Board in the exercise of its powers and performance of its functions in relation to the safety, security, regulatory and legal matters.
    • Mr Reinhard Gärtner (Chairperson)
    • Ms Uno Katjipuka-Sibolile
    • Mr Uanjenua Katjiuanjo
  • Human Resources Committee - to oversee the implementation of both the human resources strategy and the remuneration strategy to ensure performance, as well as to attract, retain and motivate human resources of a standard and calibre on which the Authority depends.
    • Ms Matilda Jankie (Chairperson)
    • Mr Ignasius Thudiyane
  • Audit & Risk Committee - to safeguard assets, evaluating internal control frameworks, ICT governance, and ensuring that financial and non-financial risks are managed. It also monitors the accuracy of the financial statements and oversees the financial reporting process in order to ensure the management of financial risk is carried out.
    • Ms Emma Kantema-Goamas (Chairperson)

NCAA Board of Directors

  • Every director is required to periodically sign a declaration of interest and to declare at every meeting of the Board or any Board Committee any likely conflict regarding a matter before the Board/Committee.
  • The Board is appointed for a term not exceeding four years, except for the Chairperson whose term of office is for five years. Any member may be reappointed after the end of their term, but may not be appointed for more than three consecutive terms.
  • The Executive Director holds office by virtue of being employed as chief executive officer of the NCAA. The Executive Director’s term of office on the Board is determined by his/her period of contract as employee in this capacity.
  • In accordance with the competency requirements set out in the Act, the Board of Directors must hold recognised qualifications relevant to the operations, management, security or regulations of civil aviation, and two of the Board members must hold recognised legal and financial management qualifications with associated experience of not less than seven years each, and are required to be Namibian citizens.
  • Compensation for the Board, reflected in the Income Statement of the Annual Financial Statements (and published in the  ), include prescribed sitting and retainer fees, payment for chairing Board Committees, reimbursement of travel and related business expenses, among others.

“A ‘good’ landing is one from which you can walk away. A ‘great’ landing is one after which they can use the plane again.” –


NCAA Board of Directors

The Board has been constituted in accordance with the provisions under section 12 of the Act. The Board of Directors comprises four non-executive Board Members and the Executive Director, and four alternate members. The Board discharges its fiduciary responsibilities directly and through committees according to provisions of the Act
Civil Aviation Act 2016